
Saturn is the fifth planet from our Sun. It has nine rings, consisting mostly of ice particles with a smaller amount of rocky debris and dust. 62 known moons orbit the planet; 53 are officially named. This is not counting hundreds of 'moonlets' within the rings.

Titan, Saturn's largest and the Solar System's second largest moon (after Jupiter's Ganymede), is larger than the planet Mercury and is the only moon in the Solar System to possess a significant atmosphere. Cassini's flyby of Titan, has captured radar images of large lakes and their coastlines with numerous islands and mountains. The orbiter completed two Titan flybys before releasing the Huygens probe on December 25, 2004. Huygens descended onto the surface of Titan on January 14, 2005, sending a flood of data during the atmospheric descent and after the landing.

In 2006, NASA reported that the Cassini probe found evidence of liquid water reservoirs that erupt in geysers on Saturn's moon Enceladus. Images had also shown particles of water in its liquid state emitted by icy jets and towering plumes.

Since early 2005, scientists have been tracking lightning on Saturn. The power of the lightning is approximately 1000 times that of lightning on Earth.

In astrology Saturn rules Capricorn, the third of the three Earth Signs.

The position of Saturn in the birth chart is one of the most important of all. The sign and house in which Saturn are found will tell us about the frustrations and restrictions that the individual faces, and also tell us a great deal about that individual's internal pain. Saturn shows us what we fear most. He shows us what depresses us most, and where we feel most inadequate in life.

Guilt and disappointment are often found where Saturn lurks too. What we must remember, however, is that the Saturn principle is very necessary for our growth. The pain and frustration push us on to greater acheivements, and allow us to grow in consciousness. Saturn's lessons can be hard, but if we learn them well we can be capable of great achievements in the area of the chart which he touches.

The important things with Saturn is to accept responsibility for our actions and our fate and understand the value of patience. Saturn's delays can lead us into a journey of sef-discovery and a life-long process of education. The ensuing wisdom and self-discipline can bring us the sense of accomplishment we feel when we have created our own destiny through our own efforts.

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Last updated by Simon on 1st January 2025  •